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President Bush Signs H.R. 7222, the Andean Trade Preference Act Extension
President Bush on Thursday said, "With this bill, our nation is showing our commitment to economic growth in our .. - 10.6KB
16 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with Cabinet
President Bush on Wednesday said, "We analyzed the situation very carefully. And the American people must understand that this carefully ... - 8.0KB
15 Oct 08
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President Bush Participates in Video Teleconference with Iraq Provincial Reconstruction ..
President Bush on Wednesday said, "I've just finished a meeting with our Ambassador, and General Odierno, .. - 6.6KB
15 Oct 08
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President Bush Welcomes Stanley Cup Champion Detroit Red Wings to White House
President Bush on Tuesday said, "There is a sign over the door of the Red Wings locker at Joe Louis Arena that .. - 14.3KB
14 Oct 08
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President Bush Participates in Joint Statement with Prime Minister Berlusconi of Italy
President Bush on Monday said, "For more than 60 years, the United States and Italy have worked together to .. - 16.6KB
13 Oct 08
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President Bush and Prime Minister Berlusconi of Italy Exchange Toasts
President Bush on Monday said, "The ties between the people of America and the people of Italy run deep, and the .. - 12.9KB
13 Oct 08
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President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Berlusconi of Italy to the White House
President Bush on Monday said, "With the visit today of Prime Minister Berlusconi, we reaffirm the close and .. - 16.7KB
13 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with G7 Finance Ministers to Discuss World Economy
President Bush on Saturday said, "I'm confident that the world's major economies can overcome the challenges we face. .. - 10.6KB
11 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with Cuban American Community Leaders
President Bush on Friday said, "It's so sad that right off the shores of our great, you know, nation that believes in human ... - 8.0KB
10 Oct 08
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President Bush Discusses the Economy
President Bush on Friday said, "Over the past few days, we have witnessed a startling drop in the stock market -- much of it driven by .. - 12.6KB
10 Oct 08
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