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Aerobot Cryogenic Testing - A 4.6 meter long Titan blimp prototype during 93 degrees Kelvin cryogenic testing.
Aerobot Cryogenic Testing
Aerobot Simulation - A screenshot of the DARTS-based Aerobot simulation, showing the airship on the left, and controls on the right.
Aerobot Simulation
Aerobots Together - Three of JPL's prototype airships undergoing inflation tests.
Aerobots Together
ATHLETE Drilling in the Mojave Desert - The flexibility of the ATHLETE system is demonstrated by its use of an auger to penetrate the desert soil.
ATHLETE Drilling in the Mojave Desert
ATHLETE Hill Climbing - ATHLETE climbs a rough hill near Meteor Crater, Arizona
ATHLETE Hill Climbing
ATHLETE Scorpion Pose - One ATHLETE rover posed like a scorpion for viewing by visitors during JPL's open house, May 2006.
ATHLETE Scorpion Pose
ATHLETE Simulation - Physics-based simulation of ATHLETE rover using the JPL DARTS/ROAMS software system.
ATHLETE Simulation
ATHLETE Virtuoso - ATHLETE Virtuoso real-time teleoperation, mapping and data monitoring
ATHLETE Virtuoso
ATHLETEs at Dumont Dunes - Two ATHLETE rovers traverse the desert terrain adjacent to Dumont Dunes, CA.
ATHLETEs at Dumont Dunes
Automatic Image Seaming - Example of automated seaming of overlapping aerial images taken from different locations.
Automatic Image Seaming
Calibrated Synthetic Viewing (circa 1996) - Calibrated Synthetic Viewing (CSV) provides the operator with calibrated graphic overlays on actual camera video images obtained from different vantage points. Three-dimensional graphic models are intermittently updated through virtual reality (VR) calibration, that determines the camera calibration parameters and object locations semi-automatically by using model-based edge matching computer vision algorithms.
Calibrated Synthetic Viewing (circa 1996)
Cliffbot in Svarlbard - The tethered Cliffbot system descending a steep incline during field trials in Norway.
Cliffbot in Svarlbard
Cliffbot Maestro - Cliffbot Maestro image browsing and teleoperation
Cliffbot Maestro
Coring From a Low Mass Rover - Demonstration of rock coring from a rover arm using a rotary percussive coring tool.  This is an alternative to rotary friction coring which requires a higher preload on the surface.
Coring From a Low Mass Rover
Distributed Motor Controller Hardware - A view of the Distributed Motor Controller hardware, unfolded prior to final assembly.
Distributed Motor Controller Hardware
EPEC: End-Effector Position Error Compensation - EPEC provides vision-based correction of arm pose by stereo viewing of an end-effector mounted visual target, comparing the determined position with that indicated by arm kinematics and joint angle sensing alone.  Left: one of the full resolution stereo images. Center: a comparison of the determined and desired positions of the end-effector target.  Right: the view after motion correction.
EPEC: End-Effector Position Error Compensation
Exoskeleton Anthropomorphic Slave Arm (circa 1991) - The slave arm controlled by the exoskeleton system.  The hand is tendon driven by actuators and controllers in the  forearm, which is mounted to a commercial PUMA manipulator.
Exoskeleton Anthropomorphic Slave Arm (circa 1991)
Force Reflecting Hand Controllers (circa 1989) - Dual 6 DOF Force Reflecting Hand Controllers used by operators to teleoperate the remote manipulators in the JPL Telerobotics Testbed.
Force Reflecting Hand Controllers (circa 1989)
Graphical User Interface: Remote Surface Inspection (circa 1995) - The graphical user interface for the Remote Surface Inspection System, showing a model based view of the sytem and environment, a planned inspection path projected on the camera view, and various system parameter input widgets.
Graphical User Interface: Remote Surface Inspection (circa 1995)
Graphical User Interface: WITS (circa 1997) - WITS, the Web Interface for Tele Science, was an early version of the MER operations Science Activity Planner (SAP/Maestro). It was used for commanding the Rocky 7 rover in desert field tests as part of the Long Range Science Rover research and development effort.
Graphical User Interface: WITS (circa 1997)
Hazbot Operations - JPL firefighter at the helm of the Hazbot operations console.
Hazbot Operations
Hazbot Washdown - JPL fire department personnel washing the Hazbot vehicle after during a simulated decontamination exercise.
Hazbot Washdown
Hopbot - The Hopbot was a first generation hopping robot, egg shaped with a clear shell and internal camera.
ISEE: Integrated Sensor End Effector - The Integrated Surface End Effector (ISEE) used for Remote Surface Inspection technology development.
ISEE: Integrated Sensor End Effector
JPL Aerobot - The JPL Aerobot testbed for aerial autonomy technology development for Titan exploration.
JPL Aerobot
Landing Hazard Detection by Shadow Analysis - Before and after views showing image processing through shadow analyis to detect large obstacles from overhead, as would be seen during landing.
Landing Hazard Detection by Shadow Analysis
Manipulation Autonomy View - Manipulation Autonomy View for real-time state monitoring of autonomous sampling.
Manipulation Autonomy View
MicroArm I (circa 1997) - A view of the MicroArm I, mounted to the front of a rover.  MicroArmI utilizes low-density 3D JPL/BF Goodrich composite and novel high-torque density rotary ultrasonic motor actuation.
MicroArm I (circa 1997)
MicroArm II (circa 1998) - A view of the MicroArm II, bench mounted with a close-up imager as payload.
MicroArm II (circa 1998)
Nanorover (circa 1997) - A prototype model of the JPL Nanorover, approximately 10cm on a side and 10kg mass.  This prototype led to flight model development for the Japanese-led MUSES-C mission (subsequently descoped).
Nanorover (circa 1997)
ROAMS Simulation of Rover Slippage - Overhead graphical view of simulated rover slippage tests with ROAMS.
ROAMS Simulation of Rover Slippage
Rocky 7 at Lavic Lake - Rocky 7 avoiding two rocks as it drives on the dry lakebed of Lavic Lake in the Mojave Desert in 1997.
Rocky 7 at Lavic Lake
Simulation for SOOPS - Science Operations On Planetary Surfaces (SOOPS) is improved through technology development in operator interfaces, rover control, and new scenarios made possible by simulation.  Shown is a simulation of the Rocky 8 rover in a virtual Mars terrain, created with ROAMS and Simscape, respectively.
Simulation for SOOPS
Smart Hand Development (circa 1990) - The JPL Smart Hands have been used for shared and traded control during dual arm teleoperation for satellite servicing technology develoment.  Each hand has 6 DOF force-torque sensing at the wrist, and grasp force sensors in the fingers.  Also, the claws have contoured grasp surfaces for increased accommodation.  The right image is the operational appearance of the system, while the left image is a partially disassembled view.
Smart Hand Development (circa 1990)
Snake Robot (circa 1995) - The JPL Snake Robot is shown performing an inspection task inside the complicated environment of a truss structure.
Snake Robot (circa 1995)
SOOPS Maestro planning, mapping and image browsing interface. - SOOPS (Science Operations on Planetary Surfaces) Maestro planning, mapping and image browsing interface.
SOOPS Maestro planning, mapping and image browsing interface.
Spiderbot, Yosi (circa 2002) - The first in the line of MRE robots was Yosi, deemed
Spiderbot, Yosi (circa 2002)
STELER Manipulation (circa 1993) - The remote side of the STELER system, where several manipulators are commanded in a shared control supervisory mode to perform an assembly task.
STELER Manipulation (circa 1993)
Superpressure Helium Balloon - Aerially deployed of a 10 meter diameter Mars balloon prototype at 31 km above Earth, in the stratosphere.
Superpressure Helium Balloon
Teleoperations Control Station (circa 1992) - An operator uses two 6 degrees-of-freedom force reflecting hand controllers, and video images with graphical overlays, to command a remote dual arm robot system for simulated satelite servicing.
Teleoperations Control Station (circa 1992)
Venus Balloon Prototype - The Venus Balloon prototype undergoing inflation tests at JPL.
Venus Balloon Prototype
Visual Target Tracking On Mars - The first results of visual target tracking on Mars.  The selected rock is viewed from multiple locations as the Opportunity rover drives by it.
Visual Target Tracking On Mars

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