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President Bush Hosts Social Dinner in Honor of American Jazz
President Bush on Thursday said, "With its spontaneity and energy and innovation, jazz expresses the best of America's .. - 7.1KB
19 Jun 08
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President Bush Meets with Vice President Abd Al-Mahdi of Iraq
President Bush on Sunday said, "I just had a discussion with the Vice President, the Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, ... - 7.1KB
18 May 08
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President Bush Attends Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony for Dr. Michael Ellis DeBakey
President Bush on Wednesday said, "Dr. DeBakey has an impressive resume, but his truest legacy is not .. - 12.2KB
23 Apr 08
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President Bush Discusses National Small Business Week
President Bush on Wednesday said, "I love it when people can say, I have a idea, and I am going to apply all my talent and .. - 22.1KB
23 Apr 08
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Remarks by the President Upon Arrival
THE PRESIDENT: First of all, it's good to be back in Baton Rouge, home of the LSU Tiger [sic] National Championship football team. I .. - 6.8KB
22 Apr 08
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President Bush Meets with Community Leaders in New Orleans
President Bush on Tuesday said, "So there are some hurdles, but this city has come a long way -- to the point where I .. - 8.0KB
22 Apr 08
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President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with President Calderon of Mexico ..
President Bush on Tuesday said, "One of the things -- people ask, well, does it make sense for Mexico, .. - 49.6KB
22 Apr 08
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President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Harper of Canada
President Bush on Monday said, "Canada and the United States have got a very unique and important relationship, and I really .. - 9.3KB
21 Apr 08
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President Bush Attends United States Chamber of Commerce Reception
President Bush on Monday said, "I want to thank the U.S. Chamber for hosting this reception in honor of the North .. - 13.8KB
21 Apr 08
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President Bush Meets with President Calderon of Mexico
President Bush on Monday said, "We've had a very long and very good discussion on a variety of issues. U.S. and .. - 11.2KB
21 Apr 08
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