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The Landsat Program - News

Science Articles

Learn more about how Landsat data are used in scientific studies.


Alaskan Glacier Retreat
Most Alaskan Glaciers Retreating, Thinning, and Stagnating, Says Major USGS Landsat-Based Report
Most glaciers in every mountain range and island group in Alaska are experiencing significant retreat, thinning or stagnation, especially glaciers at lower elevations...
St. Kitts land cover map
New Landsat-Based Maps of Complex Caribbean Islands Reveal Conservation Opportunities Where Sugar Cane Cultivation Has Become Unprofitable
New Landsat-based maps compared with historic 1945 data.
Forests post Katrina
Landsat Helps Show Forests Damaged by Hurricane Katrina
A research team has estimated that Hurricane Katrina killed or severely damaged 320 million large trees...

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