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Visiting Washington, D.C.

House Page Program

"Visiting our nation’s capital is a truly great experience. I will always remember when I first visited Washington as a young boy and saw the woolly mammoth skeleton in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum."

— Congressman Bart Gordon

The nation's capital has countless tourist destinations and is an excellent place to visit any time of the year. While many of these destinations are free, a tour of the U.S. Capitol and White House require a Congressional reservation for a ticket. Bart’s Washington office is pleased to assist Middle Tennesseans visiting the area with securing these tickets.

Click here if you would like to schedule a tour of the U.S. Capitol and/or White House.

Click here for a description of the six most visited tourist destinations and what is required to visit each attraction.

Click here for a description of additional tourist attractions in the nation's capital.

Washington Office
2306 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4231
Fax: (202) 225-6887
Murfreesboro Office
305 West Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Phone: (615) 896-1986
Cookeville Office
15 South Jefferson
Cookeville, TN 38501
Phone: (931) 528-5907
Gallatin Office
100 Public Square, B-100
Gallatin, TN 37066
Phone: (615) 451-5174

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