Comment Number: OL-113844
Received: 1/10/2005 3:01:43 PM
Commenter: M Boyd
State: UT
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


I am vehemently against amending your rules to allow telemarketers of any kind to make random calls either live or using a prerecorded message. I registered for the do not call list at its inception and have been so happy not receive the six or seven calls each night that I used to get. I do not want to lose this immunity. Also, I think it is ridiculous that the proposal includes an "option" for citizens to opt out of calls by calling each individual company and trying to get them to comply. Puleeeeze..... How many thousands of companies are out there??? Why would I want to spend my valuable time calling all of them when what I am trying to do is get them not to call me. the national do not call registry is a godsend. Please keep its teeth. Thanks.