Comment Number: OL-112194
Received: 12/23/2004 11:57:41 PM
Commenter: Candice Basham
State: CA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


Do not allow this infringement on our personal right to not be bothered by telemarketers. Finally, one can sit down to dinner without being interrupted by someone selling something I don't want. I almost never use my landline anymore because of the abuse by telemarketers. I would get multiple phone calls every evening. I NEVER buy anything from a company that calls me to solicit business and find pre-recorded calls even more obnoxious. Let us contact the companies if we want to do business with them. I pay for my phone bill and do not want unsolicited calls from any company. It was sickening to rush to answer calls and just be hung up on by the computed dialed message, although even that was preferable to having some stranger try to hawk snake oil over the phone. As a result, I stopped answering my phone and turned down the ringer. DO NOT PERMIT THESE CALLS UNLESS YOU PLAN TO PAY OUR PHONE BILLS.