Comment Number: OL-111908
Received: 12/22/2004 5:22:24 PM
Commenter: Brian Berryman
State: ME
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


You should know by now that you can't give the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) an inch, because when you do they'll ask for another, then a foot and then a mile. We finally have a little peace from these unscrupulous people, and we'd like to keep it that way. My wife and I are against any proposals by the DMA that would increase their freedom to annoy people in their homes with unwelcome telephone calls, or through the use of unwelcome junk mail by post or by email. Stand firm and protect the interests of the people you serve. Do not negotiate with these pirates. Thank you for hearing us.