Comment Number: OL-110556
Received: 12/17/2004 12:51:58 AM
Commenter: kristin Biechler
State: OR
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


66-Million subscribers to the DO NOT CALL list didn't intend for the telemarketing industry to find a "work around" permitting automated telephone SPAM solicitations. This rule change directly subverts the will of the people and spirit of the DO NOT CALL legislation. If this rule is adopted, the telemarketer should be required to obtain an OPT IN consent for any consumer's telephone numbers they desire to reach. As consumers, our e-mail inbox is littered with automated SPAM messages, our fax machines are full of JUNK FAXES, our mailboxes are stuffed full of unwanted catalogues and JUNK MAIL. Under this rule, our telephones will be overrun with the equivalent of SPAM, JUNK FAXES, and JUNK MAIL. It's time for the telemarketing industry to realize the public is fed-up with their unwanted messages. Please reject the proposed rule change, and/or require an OPT-IN consent from the consumer before permitting any number on the DO NOT CALL LIST to be SPAMMED with automated voice messages.