Comment Number: OL-110452
Received: 12/16/2004 2:20:42 PM
Commenter: Susan Brennan
State: FL
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


When I signed up for the Do Not Call Registry, my desire was to have ALL sales calls blocked, not just calls from people. I actually find automated 'recorded' sales calls to be more annoying than talking to a real person. With a 'live' call, you can actually get some satisfaction by asking them to take you off of their call list. With a recording, you can't easily disconnect the call, and most of the time it just fills up the answering machine. Please do not allow automated 'SPAM' to bypass the intent of the Do Not Call Registry.