Comment Number: OL-107636
Received: 12/7/2004 10:43:22 AM
Commenter: Joe Baker
State: OH
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


The purpose of the "Do Not Call" legislation was to reduce these annoying telemarketing phone calls. This purposed change to allow for computerized phone calls that only leave messages ignores the fact that the majority of the very phone calls that the "Do Not Call" registry prevents originate from these annoying computerized phone calls. In effect this proposed change circumvents the very purpose of the "Do Not Call" legislation and ignores the electorate's right to have this annoyance prevented. Passage of this legislation would in effect negate the very positive effects of the "Do Not Call" legislation and in effect tell the electorate that your office really does not care about reducing these annoying phone calls and the "Do Not Call" legislation was in fact a mistake. Surely, the FTC is not stupid enough to allow the passage of such legislation. If the FTC's desire was for success for the "Do Not Call" registry, then a modification such as this should not even be considered. The fact that you are considering this idiocy indicates that you are not truly dedicated to the success of the "Do Not Call" registry and you are caving in to the pressures of the Telemarketing industry who have been devistated by the success of the "Do Not Call" registry. Too bad for them. They need to grow up. Please do not cave into this pressure and negate the success of the "Do Not Call" legislation. Thanks for listening.