Comment Number: OL-107275
Received: 12/7/2004 1:59:06 AM
Commenter: Herbert Blumstein
State: CA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


I strongly urge you not to amend the Telemarketing Sales Rule and not to relax any of the current provisions regarding the percentage of allowable call abandonment rates! Any change that will effectively allow a greater percentage of call abandonment rates will return us to an insufferable situation in which consumers are not only badgered by automatically placed calls but also have to suffer the added insult of picking up a dropped line. This was a major problem for us before the Do Not Call list went into effect. I also strongly urge you to completely deny any attempt to enable pre-recorded telemarketing calls of any kind on the pretext of of an existing "business relationship" between the seller and the called potential buyer. Such an allowance would subject consumers - most of whom have inadvertently created so-called "business relationships" with sellers by paying with a credit card - to a deluge of pre-recorded sales messages which may be inexpensive for the seller but are expensive time-wasters and terrible annoyances for the persons who are called. The Do Not Call List finally provided us with relief from the endless torment of unwanted telemarketing calls. Please do not allow any further loopholes which would enable telemarketers to attack our privacy and peace with unwanted manned or pre-recorded calls!