Comment Number: OL-104484
Received: 11/29/2004 12:12:22 PM
Commenter: Bruce Blumberg
State: CA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


In my opinion, the do not call list legislation falls far short of the mark in protecting my privacy. It needs to be strengthened, not weakened. I strongly oppose the proposed amendements to the Telemarketing Sales Rules for the reasons stated below. For example, I now get a large number of automated telemarketing calls which prevent me from telling the person on the other end to put me on their do not call list. There is always an option to wait until the end of the message and press a number to talk with a person but only in rare instances does this work. Most frequently, it simply disconnects the calls. What do I suggest? 1. the currently proposed amendments not be enacted. 2. a total and absolute ban on automated telemarketing calls for commercial purposes. 3. the option for me to put my name on a list that prevents me from receiving calls from "charities" and political parties. These are egregious invasions of privacy that are sanctioned under current law. 4. That the burden of proof for the existence of a "prior business relationship" be shifted to the caller with large penalties for violations thereof. I get dozens of telemarketing calls each week from people I have no prior business relationship with so the current law obviously does not work. The vast majority of these calls are not for legitimate businesses but instead are "fly by night" enterprises that rip off the public. Surely these do not deserve any protection under the law. sincerely, Bruce Blumberg