Comment Number: OL-102954
Received: 11/28/2004 2:45:52 AM
Commenter: Justin Berstler
State: NC
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


A pre-recorded phone message is just as intrusive and unwanted as any other unsolicited phone message, regardless of whether or not I have an existing business relationship with the caller. Are we not bombarded by enough advertisement already? I think we are, given the prevelance of television, radio, and billboad advertisements that have penetrated our daily lives. Do we find it necessary to allow these businesses to reach us on our personal phone lines while much more urgent calls could be trying to get through? I think not when you consider that at any point in time someone in close personal contact wiith us may attempt to call with an urgent need of assistance or to report an emergency. I will grant to you that these situations are few and far between, but they *cannot* be predicted. I would never allow such legislation to pass knowing that while I was listening to some pre-recorded message from some company I may have previously dealt with, simultaneously someone I loved needed my help and was trying to reach me by phone.