Comment Number: OL-102855
Received: 11/28/2004 1:21:30 AM
Organization: Concerned Private Citizen
Commenter: Robert Brown
State: VA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


First of all, what part of DO NOT CALL have 64M Americans not made clear? I don't care if I have an existing relationship with a company, I DO NOT want to be bothered to get up out of my chair in my home on my time to answer my phone, just to get a recorded message trying to sell me crap! 64M Americans have made it abundantly clear - Leave us the heck alone, and respect our privacy! Now if the FTC really MUST bow to Congressional pressure brought on by a relentless injection of soft money from the telemarketing industry lobbyists, then the VERY LEAST the FTC can do for us 64M Americans is to mandate an OPT IN policy, whereby the companies have to get the recipients' permission before bombarding them with phonespam. I understand they would not like to have to get permission, because they already know permission would be denied in 99% of instances. I guess we will see how much the big money talks here...Now one last comment - seems to me, the FTC should be publicizing this pending decision on a much broader basis. This call for comments was published almost two weeks ago, and I just read an article in the paper today. Why is there not more publicity? Afraid of public backlash? I will predict here and now that if this loophole is granted, there will be a significant outcry, and the FTC will catch all kinds of grief. People's privacy (or what is left of it) is very precious these days. You are playing with fire for even considering this loophole!