Comment Number: OL-102486
Received: 11/27/2004 10:43:57 PM
Commenter: Raymond Blumel
State: AZ
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


I do not wish to receive any telemarketing calls under any circumstances, including calls from firms with which I may have either a current or previous business relationship. In addition, my experience with pre-recorded calls has been that it is nearly impossible to stop the call until the recording has been completed. This deprives me of use of the telephone service for which I am paying, uses storage on my answering machine, and may cause me to miss calls that I desire to receive. Furthermore, I do not believe that it is my resposibility to have to opt out to avoid receiving calls that I never requested. Telemarkteting calls represent an intrusion into my privacy, use resources/services for which I am paying, and should be prohibited under all circumstances.