Comment Number: OL-100006
Received: 11/16/2004 3:26:58 PM
Commenter: Tom & Kim Bettenhausen
State: CA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


Dear FTC, I believe the vast majority of the public at large do not want to receive any unsolicited phone calls from any business, recorded or live!! All my friend and the majority of my co-workers feel that their busy lives don't need the interruptions. They have phone books and the Web to look for any business they might need and if they have done business with a particular company in the past they have records on how to contact that company if they should ever need them again. We want ALL UNSOLICITED phone calls stopped at all times!! We would like to stop unsolicited mailings too, what a waste of paper and postage, as soon as we see it is an ad it gets tossed in the trash! Please listen to us, stop it all!! Thank you for your time.