Comment Number: OL-109157
Received: 12/9/2004 10:30:02 PM
Commenter: William Cockerell
State: CA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


Unbelievable! What is it that you don't understand about our desire for privacy? Nobody wants these telemarketers calling - at any time of the day or night. If someone wants to buy something or a service, they will call or find someone selling the product or service by either using the telephone or physically going to a store. The original do not call list was met with such enthusiasm (64 million people have signed up), that it is incomprehensible that you would considering weakening the law. Even with the present law, and our number registered with the list, we receive at least 3 unsolicited calls in a week. This is unacceptable. We pay for our telephone service, and deserve the right to decide who calls us. We pay an extra amount for an unlisted number, and the computerized random dialers still find us. What differenc does it make whether a company has done business with us in the past? If a consumer had a horrible experience with a company, would they want a call from that company? If they had a good experince, the consumer would initiate a call to that company to make another purchase. The law in its present form is too weak. There is no need for telemarketers. The people who operate and work at telemarketing firms should find useful employment, not waste the public's time and interfere with their privacy.