Comment Number: OL-109703
Received: 12/11/2004 1:21:32 AM
Commenter: Leon Ertle
State: CA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


Since the passage of last years legislation, our family has again been able to sit down to dinner and have conversations without being interrupted by unwanted telephone solicitations. We signed the no-call list and for once felt the government was listening to the millions of people whose homes, like ours, were being invaded by unwanted sales people. Please do not allow amendment of any legislation that will allow companies to call if they've sold us something before. There's absolutely no legitimate reason for them to do so. If we have a question about something we purchased...or want to purchase something else...WE'LL call them. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN UP THOSE FLOODGATES AGAIN! ps/ still don't understand why telephone solicitors were allowed to disrupt our lives in the first place.