Comment Number: OL-103055
Received: 11/28/2004 5:25:30 AM
Organization: None
Commenter: Greg Evans
State: WA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


To whom It may concern, I do not want to receive any kind of pre-recorded message from businesses that I might have a elationship with. This takes valuable time out of *my* day. If I am interested in any given product, I will seek it out myself. If I have a relationship already with said business, I will happily call them if I am interested in something they might offer. As It satands now, I have a "business" relationship with "hollywood Video, Blockbuster Video, and a few other video stores. The LAST thing I want is them to call me with a pre-recorded message. This is as unacceptable as SPAM in my e-mail box and regular junk mail. What if I don't have a landline telephone but only cellular? I do not want the minutes that *I* pay for to be used to try to market product to me. If this passes I might as well NOT have a telephone at all. What if I have a business relationship with 50 businesses? How many SPAM phone calls can I expect to get each day? This ammendment is garbage and should be thrown to the trash immediately. Respectfully, Greg Evans