Comment Number: OL-110619
Received: 12/17/2004 3:47:27 PM
Commenter: Rafael Ornelas
State: CA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


What the HELL is going ON!!! This is the biggest bunch of CRAP that I have ever hear or read. There is no way I want a call for any and I repeat any "bussiness relationship" that you or others presume I have made. Tell me, why should I or any other person have to sign up for something that I or others do not want??? There should not be any thing like a "Do Not Call List". The only list should be a " Do Call List"!!! But of course we all know how long that list would be, don't we? I have never listed me phone number on any "do not call" list, fearing that at some future date that list will be give out to the highest bidder. I do not trust the FTC or the FCC to protect my interests. Why is that? Mad as Hell, Rafael Ornelas