Comment Number: OL-110142
Received: 12/14/2004 2:03:09 PM
Commenter: Buffie Holleran
State: MA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


The law should not allow any new loopholes - they can already call #s who were their consumers in the past year despite being listed as a "do-not-call", ie "current consumers". Consumers do not need the pressure of being bothered by phone calls for mass product consumption. We are overwhelmed with ads in mailboxes, ads on tv, door-to-door sellers/flyers (which are now on the rise), infommercials, emails and WITH THE PHONE CALLS THAT CONTINUE DESPITE THE DO NOT CALL LIST. Those who should be reviewing and respecting this list, and be held to it, are not. Stop wasting time amending it and ENFORCE IT first, perhaps then their complaints will be more valid. Everyone is struggling in this USA to live at a point of manageable debt, even the US(our national deficit is what?). Telemarketing is only an incentive for incurring further debt and a way for unscrupulous marketers to take advantage of citizens, such as the elderly or ill, "fixed incomes", that are home and available to take such calls throughout the day. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE THEM A FURTHER LOOPHOLE!!!!! Please work on enforcing what we have established before even entertaining their arguments on restrictions when they are not held to such restrictions anyway. Aside, a REAL LIVE PERSON being paid would at least help offset the negative economic impacts by actually CREATING JOBS for humans not computers. I think live people plus a 3 year maximum on past consumer contact would be a MORE THAN FAIR compromise if one is even truly necessary. At this point, it is becoming apparent that this list was just created to appease people on the surface, it was never meant as a true solution.