Comment Number: OL-105524
Received: 12/1/2004 7:43:16 PM
Commenter: Hodges
State: VA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


No Government Agency or governing body should have to ask any of our citizens to go over this call blocking and perhaps in a misunderstood manner aid in reversing a well developed and as of now better than average successful government plan helping our citizens. Just don't ruin every thing now! As an old man of 80 years I never expected so much peace at diner time as we have these days, not the 4 to 6 interruptions during an hour or so when we try to eat and or listen to news and eat. KEEP THE PEACE, PLEASE. Ifyou need to do anything, Stop the spam and other on line efforts to ruin the day. Thank you.