Comment Number: OL-102840
Received: 11/28/2004 1:11:02 AM
Commenter: Lynn Hickman
State: OH
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


The idea of allowing unwanted phone calls to the "do not call" list is extremely offensive. It is a violation of the whole idea in the first place. The fact that it specifies use of the especially offensive pre-recorded messages just adds insult the the intentional injury of this proposal. It amazes me that the FTC would even consider such a preposterous proposal that goes directly agains the spirit of the existing law as well as against the well-being of American citizens. I sincerely hope that the Federal Trade Commission will reconsider this ill-conceived proposal to allow businesses and others to use this offensive type of invasion of American homes. Are you next going to allow salesmen to enter our homes without our premission. Sincerly, Rev. D. Lynn Hickman