Comment Number: OL-110984
Received: 12/20/2004 8:46:09 PM
Commenter: Parker
State: GA
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


Please DO NOT ALLOW ANY TELEMARKETERS TO CALL the homes of citizens for any reason. The Do-Not-Call list proved to be immensely popular with the American people and that should send a clear message to government officials; we do not want to be called for the delivery of marketing materials. Do not cave in to the pressures of lobbyists working for telemarketing interests; respect the Constitution and our rights to Privacy. Tell the telemarketers that the people have privacy rights and it within the scope of your duties to protect those rights. Tell them that weasel amendments aimed at creating a loophole to allow them to call people will not be entertained by government stewards of the American people's will. This really is a No-Brainer issue, if the people's rights to privacy are honored.