Comment Number: OL-105958
Received: 12/5/2004 2:12:16 PM
Commenter: Emily Phillips
State: AZ
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


I strongly object to allowing an increase in telemarketing calls to my home. I NEVER buy from telemarketing solicitations. The computerized messages are even more objectionable than live person calls. One example of a problem they can cause: A few years ago,I came home from work to find a message on my machine. Apparently the computer message began as soon as my own answering message began. When my machine starting recording it picked up at the phrase" heart attack or stoke..." It took several seconds to realize that this was a telemarketing message, not a call to me about a family member that had , I thought, had a heart attack or stoke. I was upset and furious, and had no way of contacting the offending company that left the message. I do not need anyone to call me to tell me what shopping decisions I should make - and I DO NOT WANT TO EVER GET TELEMARKETING CALLS AT HOME - PERIOD!!!