Comment Number: OL-105205
Received: 11/30/2004 6:08:54 PM
Commenter: Padgett
State: TX
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


Watering down the no-call legislation does nothing to serve the public, in fact, it's a major step backward in consumer protection. The public is finally protected from the intrusive telemarketers, and now you want to start dismantling the legislation, I think it's unconscionable. Before this legislation was passed, we were interrupted by hang-up calls generated by telemarketers sometimes ten times a day for weeks at a time, we would stop answering our telephone. Since the passage of the no-call laws this has stopped, it would be criminal to allow them to do this again. What difference does it make if my dinner is interrupted by a liver person, or a recording? The result is the same. The changes you are considering are bad ideas, I'm opposed to them.