Comment Number: OL-102373
Received: 11/27/2004 10:00:36 PM
Commenter: Frank Gourley
State: NE
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


I find it offensive that after such a successful program as the Do Not Call Registry, that the agency would even consider amending it to allow recorded messages. I see no difference between live and recorded messages and am as offended at being interupted for a recorded message as a live person. The entire idea of the Registry is to "Opt Out" of these annoying calls and only "Opt In" for specific cases. By asking us once again to "Opt Out", you are diluting and circumventing the entire purpose of the Registry. Also, by allowing telemarteers to once again contact some of the people on the Registry, what do they hope to accomplish? Do they believe that if they just had one more chance, a pre-recorded message might actually convince folks who do not want to hear the sales pitchs to suddenly buy what they are selling? All it will do is once again open the gates and allow the stream of unsolicited phone calls to invade our family time, our meal time and our peaceful rest time. Don't we see enough ads on TV, hear them on the radio, see them on every web site and even embedded into programs? Do we not have a large enough problem with unwanted SPAM email? My home has once again returned to the peaceful, quiet, retreat from the commercial world since signing up for the Registry. Please do not allow these wolves to return to my home.