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1983 and 1989 Surveys of Pension Providers

The Survey of Pension Providers was designed to gather more detailed information on the pension plans of survey participants than could reasonably be expected in a personal interview. For cases where either the respondent or the spouse or partner of the respondent had some pension coverage from a current job, the SCF interviewer asked for information that could be used to contact the providers of the pensions. The providers were asked for copies of the official summary plan descriptions, and this information was coded for use with the main survey data. Data and documentation for the 1983 and 1989 SPP are located on the following sites.

1983 Survey of Pension Providers
1989 Survey of Pension Providers

About | 2004 survey | 2001 survey | 1998 survey | 1995 survey | 1992 survey
| 1989 survey | 1986 survey | 1983 survey | 1983-89 panel survey | 1962 and 1963 surveys
| SCF working papers | Recent changes to data sets and documentation | Frequently asked questions (FAQ)