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Topic: Home > News > News Releases

Statement on a Call for the Unconditional Releases of Akbar Ganji in Iran
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricane Recovery Immigration Jobs & Economy Medicare .. - 18.9KB
12 Jul 05
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President Releases National Strategy for Homeland Security
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs &.. 20020716-2_homelandplanp19715--515h.html - 22.0KB
16 Jul 02
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President Releases National Strategy for Homeland Security
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs & Economy .. 20020716-2_sc2bgif-1-400h.html - 22.2KB
16 Jul 02
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President Releases $5.1 Billion in Emergency Funds
The President today released $5.1 billion in emergency spending to assist in the humanitarian, recovery, and national security .. - 26.4KB
08 Oct 01
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Treasury Releases First in Series of Tax Simplification Proposals
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricane Recovery Immigration Jobs & Economy Medicare .. - 28.7KB
15 Apr 02
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Setting the Record Straight: The Three Most Egregious Claims In The New York Times Article ..
"Most people can accept that a news story recounting recent events will be reliant on '20-20 .. - 10.5KB
21 Dec 08
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Statement by National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley
Sunday's New York Times contains an editorial expressing inaccurate and incomplete statements on pre-war intelligence and the .. - 5.6KB
08 Dec 08
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ONDCP Fact Sheet: 2008 National Drug Control Strategy
With the release of his first National Drug Control Strategy in 2002, the President set the ambitious goal of cutting drug .. - 9.8KB
01 Mar 08
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Interview of the First Lady by Maggie Rodriguez of "The Early Show," CBS News
MRS. BUSH: Well, we have a actually very dynamic economy, but it's a huge global economy, and I think that's what we' ... - 6.8KB
08 Oct 08
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President Bush to Welcome Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek of the Czech Republic
President Bush will welcome Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek of the Czech Republic to the White House on October .. - 4.8KB
21 Oct 08
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