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Topic: Home > News > News Releases

Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush today announced his intention to appoint three individuals and designate one individual to serve in his .. - 4.1KB
12 Jan 09
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Interview of the President and Former President Bush by Brit Hume, Fox News
THE PRESIDENT: You know, I've got mixed emotions. I'm going to miss being the Commander-in-Chief of the military. .. - 40.1KB
11 Jan 09
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President and Mrs. Bush Saddened by Death of Cardinal Pio Laghi
Laura and I send our deepest condolences to Pope Benedict XVI and all Catholics on the passing of Cardinal Pio Laghi. .. - 5.3KB
11 Jan 09
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Interview of the Vice President by Wolf Blitzer, Late Edition
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, we're in the middle of a recession, obviously, that started in a major way last year, coupled .. - 35.9KB
11 Jan 09
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President Bush and Former President George H. W. Bush Attend Commissioning Ceremony of the ..
President Bush on Saturday said, "This ship is a fitting tribute to a generation of men with whom my dad was ... - 17.6KB
10 Jan 09
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President Bush to Welcome President Felipe Calderon of Mexico
President Bush will welcome President Felipe Calderon of Mexico to the White House on January 13, 2009. This visit provides ... - 4.8KB
10 Jan 09
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President's Radio Address
In his weekly radio address, President Bush said, "This week, I gave my official farewell speech to the men and women of America's Armed .. - 8.3KB
10 Jan 09
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Executive Order: Providing An Order of Succession Within the Department of Transportation
Executive Order: Providing An Order of Succession Within the Department of Transportation - 7.6KB
09 Jan 09
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Executive Order: Strengthening Laboratory Biosecurity in the United States
Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States that facilities that possess biological select agents and .. - 12.0KB
09 Jan 09
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Executive Order: Amending the Order of Succession Within the Department of Agriculture
Executive Order: Amending the Order of Succession Within the Department of Agriculture - 7.6KB
09 Jan 09
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