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Topic: Home > News

President Bush and Former President George H. W. Bush Host Reception in Honor of the Points ...
President Bush on Wednesday said, "The strength of America is not our military, it's not our wallet; it ... - 9.6KB
07 Jan 09
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President Bush Attends Military Appreciation Parade with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of ..
President Bush on Tuesday said, "The valor of America's Armed Forces have made our nation safer. Because you' ... - 27.2KB
06 Jan 09
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President Bush Discusses Conservation and the Environment
President Bush on Tuesday said, "With all these steps, we have charted the way toward a more promising era in environmental .. - 16.5KB
06 Jan 09
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Establishment of the Rose Atoll Marine National Monument
In the Pacific Ocean approximately 130 nautical miles east‑southeast of Pago Pago Harbor, American Samoa, lies Rose Atoll ... - 17.6KB
06 Jan 09
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Establishment of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument
Over approximately 480 nautical miles, the Mariana Archipelago encompasses the 14 islands of the United States .. - 22.6KB
06 Jan 09
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Establishment of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument
The Pacific Remote Islands area consists of Wake, Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, ... - 24.7KB
06 Jan 09
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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino
Watch Tuesday's Press Briefing with White House Press Secretary Dana Perino - 24.2KB
06 Jan 09
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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino
Watch Monday's Press Briefing with White House Press Secretary Dana Perino - 26.2KB
05 Jan 09
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Briefing by Teleconference with Jim Connaughton, Chairman of the White House Council on ..
CHAIRMAN CONNAUGHTON: Good afternoon, everybody, this is Jim Connaughton, the Chairman of the White .. - 48.8KB
05 Jan 09
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President, Mrs. Bush, Barbara, and Jenna Deeply Saddened by Passing of Their Cat India (..
The President, Mrs. Bush, Barbara, and Jenna are deeply saddened by the passing of their cat India ("Willie ... - 3.9KB
05 Jan 09
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