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Topic: Home > News > News Releases

To Suspend Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Foreign Government Officials ..
In order to foster greater resolve to address trafficking in persons (TIP), specifically in punishing acts of .. - 9.2KB
16 Jan 09
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Memorandum for the President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including .. - 6.1KB
16 Jan 09
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Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, including section 671(b) of the Department of .. - 4.6KB
16 Jan 09
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President and Mrs. Bush Saddened by Death of Andrew Wyeth
Laura and I deeply mourn the death of American painter, Andrew Wyeth. Mr. Wyeth captured America in his paintings of .. - 4.4KB
16 Jan 09
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Interview of the Vice President By Jim Lehrer, The News Hour With Jim Lehrer
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I think there are a number of areas where we've had a significant impact on the events, or .. - 35.5KB
14 Jan 09
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Television Interview of the Vice President by Mike Emanuel, FOX News
Q Mr. Vice President, thanks for your time. Saturday marked the second anniversary of the surge in Iraq. I'm wondering .. - 21.8KB
14 Jan 09
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Fact Sheet: President Bush: Farewell Address to the Nation
Tonight, President Bush will deliver his farewell address to the Nation from the East Room of the White House, and .. - 12.8KB
15 Jan 09
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Event Backgrounder and Guest List for the President's Farewell Address to the Nation
Tonight, the President will make his Farewell Address to the Nation from the East Room of The White House. .. - 42.7KB
15 Jan 09
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President Bush Delivers Farewell Address to the Nation
President Bush on Thursday said, "It has been the privilege of a lifetime to serve as your President. There have been good days and .. - 21.2KB
15 Jan 09
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Statement by the President on Plane Crash in New York City
My Administration is coordinating with State and local officials to respond to this afternoon's plane crash in New .. - 4.2KB
15 Jan 09
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