Reducing Congestion Without a Regressive Tax

Delivering for NYC

Reducing Congestion Without a Regressive Tax

In October, I testified before the Congestion Mitigation Committee and outlined my plan to reduce congestion in New York City – without a big government, regressive tax. My plan includes:

· Increase Truck Tolls During Peak Hours: According to a New York State Department of Transportation study, 96% of Manhattan deliveries take place during peak hours. To discourage truck traffic from passing through the City at peak hours, the Weiner plan would increase peak hour truck tolls on City river crossings that have existing tolls.

· Incentivize Nighttime Truck Deliveries: The Weiner plan would encourage businesses to receive deliveries at night in order reduce truck traffic in the City during rush hours, an idea similar to the NYC Department of Transportation's "Early Delivery Program" proposed in May 2006. To compensate for any extra staffing costs associated with off-peak deliveries, I propose that affected businesses receive a City tax credit which would be matched by the federal government. According to a 2006 study by the New York State DOT, a tax deduction of $10,000 may lead to more than 20% of restaurants switching to off-peak delivery.

· Implement NYC DOT Recommendations for NYPD Training and Trucker Education: Last May, the NYC DOT conducted an exhaustive study which found that poor awareness and poor enforcement of truck laws is a major problem in New York City. Sixty-eight percent of truckers have little to no familiarity with truck laws and only 40 of 2,500 (2%) NYPD traffic enforcement officers are trained to do truck enforcement. The DOT issued dozens of recommendations for improving law enforcement training and trucker education, which should be promptly implemented.

· Build Cross Harbor Rail Freight Tunnel: New York City is the only major city not connected to the national rail system and, as a result, 99% of the City's goods must be brought in by truck. The 5.5 mile rail freight tunnel proposed by Rep. Jerrold Nadler would run under NY Harbor from Sunset Park in Brooklyn to Greenville Yard in Jersey City and take 1 million trucks off City streets.

· Dramatically Increase Ferry Service : I have previously laid out a vision for the City's most under-utilized asset, its waterfront. I secured $15 million for fast ferry service for the City, which I envision being linked to the mass transit system by the Metrocard.

· Expand Bus Rapid Transit: I was an early supporter of expanding Bus Rapid Transit, securing $736,000 in federal dollars for New York City.”