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Topic: Home > News > News Releases

President George W. Bush waves to family and friends of a cadet during graduation ..
President George W. Bush waves to family and friends of a cadet during graduation ceremonies at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD .. - 17.4KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush tours Moro Rock in the Sequoia National Park during his trip to ..
President George W. Bush tours Moro Rock in the Sequoia National Park during his trip to California, Wednesday, May 30. - 17.4KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush greets members of the National Restaurant Association. White House photo by ..
President Bush greets members of the National Restaurant Association. - 17.2KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush speaks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
President Bush speaks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - 17.0KB
25 Apr 03
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President Bush speaks at bill signing ceremony.
President Bush speaks at bill signing ceremony. - 17.0KB
25 Apr 03
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The Univerity of Oklahoma football team presents President George W. Bush with a jersey in ..
The University of Oklahoma football team presents President George W. Bush with a jersey in the East Room of the White House .. - 17.4KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush chats with Hall of Famer’s Sparky Anderson, left, and Yogi Berra ..
President George W. Bush chats with Hall of Famer's Sparky Anderson, left, and Yogi Berra in a ceremony in the East Room of .. - 17.5KB
25 Apr 03
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President George Bush shakes hands with Gov. Tom Ridge after signing two executive orders ..
President George Bush shakes hands with Gov. Tom Ridge after signing two executive orders Friday, May 18, in Pennsylvania. ... - 17.8KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush signs a bill to build a memorial to World War II veterans, Monday, ...
President George W. Bush signs a bill to build a memorial to World War II veterans, Monday, May 28 at the White House. - 17.4KB
25 Apr 03
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President George W. Bush addresses the Council of Americas Monday, May 7. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO ...
President George W. Bush addresses the Council of Americas Monday, May 7. - 17.2KB
25 Apr 03
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