Press Releases


Rockaway, NY – Today, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Queens & Brooklyn) secured $250,000 to fight beach erosion in Rockaway. The funding was included in the omnibus appropriations bill.

Every summer, hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers flock to Rockaway’s beautiful beaches. But what they may not know is that for years they have been literally washing away, with some of the most pronounced erosion occurring during the harsh winter months.

Last year, 1.06 million cubic yards of sand were pumped onto Rockaway’s beaches in an effort to halt the creep of beach erosion. The project was funded by $1.25 million secured by Weiner.

Today, Weiner secured $250,000 for the Army Corps of Engineers to use to continue to study ways to provide long term storm damage protection to the Rockaways, including the use of groins and jetties and further renourishment measures.

“We’ve come a long way in protecting our pristine beaches, but it’s an ongoing struggle,” said Rep. Weiner. “Over the next several months, our beaches will sustain the heavy surf and winter storms we get every year. We’ve got to stay one step ahead of mother nature.”

In addition to protecting a cherished recreation spot, the beach represents a vital barrier to protect homes on one of the most populated barrier islands in the United States.

Since 1999, Rep. Weiner has secured over $12 million to fight Rockaway beach erosion.

Congressman Anthony D. Weiner