Press Releases


New York City – In his State of the Union address last night, President Bush grouped Saudi Arabia in with “our friends” in the Middle East, with whom the United States will work to “promote peace and stability” and “fight the common threat of terror.” Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Queens and Brooklyn), sponsor of the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act, released the following statement:

“Saudi Arabia is no friend to the United States,” said Rep. Weiner. “They’ve stopped cooperating in our terror investigations, provide financial support to Palestinian terrorists, and are the wellspring for the fanatical wahhabism that lies at the core of our enemies violent ideology. Change in Saudi Arabia will only come if we demand it, but the White House seems intent on coddling.”

In July of last year, the House finally cracked down on the Saudis, passing Weiner’s legislation cutting aid to the Saudis on a largely party line vote, with 156 Democrats voting yes and152 Republicans, led by Majority Leader Tom Delay, voting no. Saudi Arabia lobbied furiously against the measure.

It passed Congress in November, as part of the omnibus appropriations bill.

Congressman Anthony D. Weiner