Press Releases


Bronx, NY - Today, Congressman Anthony Weiner (NY-09) and Congressman Joseph Crowley (NY-07) announced $250,000 in Federal funding to improve commuter and pedestrian safety in the area surrounding PS 194. State Assemblyman Mike Benedetto and City Council Nominee Jimmy Vacca joined Crowley and Weiner for the announcement.

"The greatest risk our children face when they walk out the door on their way to school are reckless cars. It is our responsibility as a community to provide safe pathways, sidewalks, and crossways so that the young kids in the Bronx can make it to and from school unharmed. I want to thank my friend and colleague Anthony Weiner, who serves on the Transportation Committee, for helping secure this important funding," said Crowley.

"New York's children should be able to walk to school safely," said Rep. Anthony Weiner, one of only two New York City Members of the House Transportation Committee. "These funds will go a long way toward making sure that students in the Bronx are better protected."

How will this program help the students at PS/IS 194?

PS 194, which opened just one year ago, has serious morning traffic congestion problems on the corner of Waterbury and Zerega Avenue. A trucking company that has a loading dock next to the school has a heavy loading time during the morning rush hour. While trucks are double-parked blocking streets and signs, the parents who are driving their kids to school are unable to see signs, oncoming traffic and even children who are walking.

The school is in desperate need of additional crossing guards, more visible signage and strategic speed bumps so that they can prevent not only car accidents, but also the injury of the elementary and middle school students who walk to school. In addition, there has been a strong movement by Bronx parents groups to fund additional speed bumps at neighborhood schools.

Recent studies have shown that the leading cause of death for children between the ages of five and fourteen in the Bronx is the threat of being hit by a car. Congressman Crowley and Congressman Weiner requested the funding on behalf of the community in order to improve the safety of the students as they travel to and from the school.

How will the funding be spent?

The funding was secured as a part of the TEA-LU Transportation Bill that was signed into law by the President in August. Over the next few months, the community surrounding PS 194 will work with the New York City Department of Transportation to determine the best way to improve safety on the streets and sidewalks surrounding the school. The potential improvements include speed bumps, sidewalk construction, additional crossing guards and improved signage.