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New York City - Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Queens & Brooklyn), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, has earned a ranking as one of the top 10 anti-gun members of the House of Representatives according to a National Rifle Association (NRA) Congressional ranking released last week. He has previously earned an ‘F’ rating from the NRA.

The NRA ranked Rep. Weiner the 7th worst because “he promotes New York City gun laws (among the most restrictive in the nation) as a model for the rest of the country.”

Rep. Weiner recently welcomed Mayor Michael Bloomberg to Washington when he testified before the House Judiciary Committee in opposition to a bill that would prohibit the use of ATF trace gun data in lawsuits and which would restrict law enforcement agencies from sharing trace data. If passed, the legislation would thwart New York City’s lawsuit against 24 gun manufacturers and prevent the NYPD from identifying and tracking the illegal flow of guns.

“If controlling the flow of illegal guns and saving lives makes me one of the worst Representatives, then that’s a label that I’ll wear proudly,” said Rep. Weiner. “New Yorker’s want reasonable gun control laws, and I’m proud to stand with state and city leaders such as Mayor Bloomberg in the effort to keep illegal guns off our streets and out of the hands of criminals.”

Rep. Weiner has a long history of opposing legislation that would weaken our nation’s gun control laws, including three bills (H.R.’s 5005, 5092, 1384) currently before the House Judiciary Committee. According to Project Vote Smart, he supported the interests of the NRA zero percent from 1998-2004 while supporting the interests of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence 100 percent.

The full NRA Congressional ranking can be found at