Press Releases


New York City – Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-Queens & Brooklyn) announced today that the New York City Department of Education, in a reversal of decision, has elected to renew its lease with the Gateway Environmental Study Center. Had the lease been terminated, the Study Center would have been forced to cease operation.

For the past 27 years, the Gateway Environmental Study Center has provided hands on, environmentally themed education and professional development to thousands of NYC school children and scores of teachers. But late last year, Gateway National Park received word that the Center’s primary funding stream–a lease with the NYC Department of Education–was going to be terminated.

In response, Rep. Weiner appealed directly to Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein, asking that he take all necessary steps to renew the lease. The DOE has now agreed to do so.

"For thousands of urban NYC school kids, the Study Center is a doorway to an exciting and unique world, one they can find perhaps no where else," said Rep. Weiner. "Just as important, it provides young minds with their first and often only hands-on experience with the environmental sciences. This is a door that should never be closed."


Congressman Anthony D. Weiner