Press Releases


Washington, D.C. - For the second year in a row, Congressman Anthony Weiner (D - Brooklyn & Queens) has received a perfect score from the nation’s largest lesbian and gay political organization. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has given Rep. Weiner a 100% rating for his work during the first session of the 107th Congress.

The HRC rates Members of Congress based on their commitment to lesbian and gay rights. This session’s scores were based on each Member’s co-sponsorships, including of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act, selected votes, and whether their office maintained a sexual orientation non-discrimination employment policy. Overall, the New York Congressional delegation averaged a 73% score.

"I am proud to have again received a perfect score from the HRC, just as I am proud to have supported lesbian and gay rights throughout my tenure in the House of Representatives," said Rep. Weiner. "My constituents hail from a diverse cross section of communities within Brooklyn and Queens, and I am committed to ensuring that all of them are treated with respect and understanding, and have a full and fair opportunity to succeed. "

Congressman Weiner has been endorsed by the HRC, as well as by the Brooklyn Lambda Independent Democrats, Brooklyn’s oldest and largest gay and lesbian organization.


Congressman Anthony D. Weiner