Beginning Reading - Overview
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What Works Clearinghouse

Beginning Reading
Beginning Reading
July 16, 2007


Findings presented in this topic report summarize the first wave of WWC beginning reading intervention reports produced in 2006–07.

WWC reviewed 887 studies of 153 beginning reading programs

WWC reviewed 887 studies of 153 beginning reading programs

Addressing the needs of beginning readers

This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) topic review addresses a variety of programs and products developed to address the needs of beginning readers. For the current wave of reports, we focused on replicable programs or products for students in the early elementary settings (that is, grades K–3) including: core reading curricula, programs, or products to be used as supplements to other reading instruction, programs that focus on staff development, and literacy software. The WWC review on beginning reading focuses on reading interventions for students in kindergarten through grade 3 intended to increase skills in alphabetics, reading fluency, comprehension, or general reading achievement.

Because there are so many reading interventions and studies in Beginning Reading, the What Works Clearinghouse set priorities for programs to be reviewed first. They included those that, on initial screening, had studies with the strongest (most rigorous) designs and those that, on initial screening, had the most studies.1

We looked at 887 studies of 153 programs that qualified for our review. Of these, 51 studies of 24 programs met our evidence standards, 27 without reservations and 24 with reservations.2 The remaining 129 programs had no studies that met the WWC evidence screens. Of these, 92 programs had one or more studies that were reviewed and did not meet WWC evidence screens. Thirty-seven programs did not have any outcomes studies.

In looking at the four outcome domains for the 24 interventions, 10 interventions had positive effects or potentially positive effects in all the outcome domains addressed in their studies (see table 1). Eleven interventions had a combination of positive or potentially positive effects in one or two domains while having mixed, negative, or no discernible effects in other domains. Three had only mixed effects or no discernible effects across domains.

1 Thirty-two additional interventions (involving 36 quasi-experimental design studies) passed the initial screening criteria but were not included in this wave of Beginning Reading reviews. These interventions were those that on initial screening had only one eligible study that met WWC evidence standards with reservations (i.e., had the fewest numbers of studies, which also used less rigorous designs).
2 Seven additional single-case studies have dispositions pending. The WWC is currently developing standards for the review of single-case studies.

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