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Topic: Home > Appointment

Presidential Nomination: Nancy M. Zirkin
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Nancy M. Zirkin Position: Member Institute of Peace, U.s. Bd of Dirs .. - 3.0KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Drew Howard Wrigley
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Drew Howard Wrigley Position: North Dakota US Attorneys (94) .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Timothy Charles Stanceu
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Timothy Charles Stanceu Position: Judge US Court of Intl Trade .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Jay Bruce Winik
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Jay Bruce Winik Position: Member Humanities, Natl Council On the (.. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: John Alden Woodcock
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination John Alden Woodcock Position: Judge - Maine US District Court .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: David Matthew Spooner
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination David Matthew Spooner Position: Asst Sec (Import Admin) Department ... - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Johnny Keane Sutton
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Johnny Keane Sutton Position: Texas - W US Attorneys (94) .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: David William Thomas
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination David William Thomas Position: Delaware US Marshals (95) Department of .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Edward Zahren
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Edward Zahren Position: Colorado US Marshals (95) Department of .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Otto Jay Wolff
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Otto Jay Wolff Position: Asst Secretary (Admin) & CFO Department of .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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