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Press Briefing by Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Richard Boucher ..
MR. JONES: Good afternoon, everybody. We have briefing this afternoon Senior Director at the National .. - 31.1KB
03 Mar 06
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Press Gaggle by Secretary of State Rice and National Security Advisor Hadley
MR. HADLEY: This is a real historic trip, to India and Pakistan. We'll of course be doing the India segment .. - 29.7KB
28 Feb 06
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Press Briefing by OMB Deputy Director Joel Kaplan and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense ...
MR. MILBURN: Good afternoon, folks. This is Scott Milburn at OMB. I have Bryan Whitman, Deputy .. - 44.3KB
02 Feb 06
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Press Briefing by Administration Officials on American Competitiveness Initiative
SECRETARY SPELLINGS: Good morning, everybody. I'm Margaret Spellings. I'm the Secretary of Education. And ... - 60.7KB
01 Feb 06
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Press Gaggle with Trent Duffy
Listen to Thursday's Press Briefing with White House Deputy Press Secretary, Trent Duffy - 27.1KB
30 Dec 04
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White House Press Secretary Speaks with Reporters on Tuesday
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan met with reporters on Tuesday afternoon. - 40.8KB
28 Sep 04
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Press Gaggle with Scott McClellan to the Travel Pool
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs & Economy ... - 21.9KB
21 Oct 03
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Remarks by the Press Secretary on Iran
Issues Budget Management Education Energy Health Care Homeland Security Hurricanes Immigration Jobs & Economy .. - 22.4KB
21 Oct 03
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Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
Overview of a press briefing by the White House Press Secretary. - 55.8KB
29 Apr 03
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Press Briefing by Secretary of State Colin Powell
President Bush Tuesday concluded a .. - 38.7KB
28 May 02
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