Comment Number: OL-103573
Received: 4/15/2004 4:18:33 PM
Commenter: Lloyd Low
State: WA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


The use of a suppression list or Do Not email list would, in my opinion do little to lessen unsolicited commercial email and would even give an additional avenue for unscrupulous people to access the email addresses of individuals. Legitimate advertisers use opt-in lists and when a person opts out of the list, their email address is deleted from all files of that advertiser. This does much more to protect the privacy of individuals than would be afforded by their email addresses being added to yet another list. If a person opts out of a list and they are not deleted from the list by the advertiser, this should constitute a violation of the act. Creating yet another list would pose additional costs, time, effort on the legitimate advertiser and do nothing to stem the flow of unsolicited email, it would in fact provide another source for those who don't care about the law or the privacy of others. Also, if I unsubscribe from "Joe Blow's" list or advertising because he put an ad for Ford in his publication, that should have no affect on "Jane Doe's" list even if she also has ads for Ford. No legitimate advertiser will continue to send commercial email to anyone who has requested to be unsubscribed from their list. To impose a "national" do not email list would be detrimental to legitimate business, afford more opportunity to spammers, and do nothing to curb spam.