Comment Number: OL-101659
Received: 3/22/2004 6:51:45 PM
Organization: Boyhowdy Publishing
Commenter: Kevin Teague
State: LA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


All I want is for all UNSOLICITED email from UNKNOWN SOURCES to be completely illegal to send. I think it's all right to acknowledge that some one has visited your website but only one acknowlegement email should be allowed. NO UNSOLICITED EMAILS SHOULD BE ALLOWED !!! I get some 300 to 400 emails per day. Since I expect some emails from customers of mine I have to sift through those 300 to 400 emails EVERY DAY ! It's very irritating and unproductive. Since I own the phone line that my computer is linked to I don't see why I should have to suffer this invasion of my privacy by irritating email SOLICITERS. They should fall under the same laws as the PHONE SOLICITORS DO. I WANT MY EMAIL ADDRESS UNAVAILABLE TO ANYONE I HAVE NOT ASKED TO SEND ME AN EMAIL. KEVIN H. TEAGUE