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9000-9799 | 9800-9999 | Library | Search |

Directive ID Subject Expiration Date
NPR 9010.1 Financial Management Requirements Overview September 30, 2013
NPD 9010.2 Financial Management October 23, 2013
NPR 9010.2 Financial Management Operating Procedures and the Continuous Monitoring Program September 30, 2013
NPR 9010.3 Financial Management Internal Control September 30, 2013
NPR 9020.1 Definitions of Financial Management Terms September 30, 2013
NPD 9050.1B Official Representational Fund (Revalidated 11/15/05) February 11, 2013
NPR 9050.1A Official Representational Fund w/Changes 1 - 4 (11/15/05) November 4, 2012
NPR 9050.2 Advances and Prepayments September 30, 2013
NPD 9050.3F Administrative Control of Appropriations and Funds November 16, 2012
NPR 9050.3 The Antideficiency Act September 30, 2013
NPR 9050.4 Cash Management and Improper Payments September 30, 2013
NPR 9050.5 Cash Management for Contracts September 30, 2013
NPD 9050.6I NASA Exchange and Morale Support Activities November 10, 2009
NPR 9060.1 Cost Accruals September 30, 2013
NPD 9070.1A Business Cards (Revalidated 9/25/06) January 24, 2012
NPD 9070.2 Government Charge Cards November 5, 2013
NPD 9080.1F Review, Approval, and Imposition of User Charges October 14, 2009
NPR 9090.1 Reimbursable Agreements September 30, 2013
NPR 9095.1 Working Capital Fund Policies and Requirements September 30, 2013
NPR 9130.1 NASA Financial Information Systems September 30, 2013
NPR 9200.1 Accounting General Overview September 30, 2013
NPR 9210.1 Cash and Fund Balance with Treasury September 30, 2013
NPR 9220.1 Journal Voucher Preparation and Approval and Intragovernmental Transactions September 30, 2013
NPD 9250.1 Identifying Capital Assets and Accumulation of Cost December 23, 2013
NPR 9250.1 Property, Plant, and Equipment and Operating Materials and Supplies September 30, 2013
NPR 9260.1 Revenue, Unfunded Liabilities and Other Liabilities September 30, 2013
NPR 9290.1 Special Accounts September 30, 2013
NPD 9310.1D To Submit the Agency Report on Fund Status and the Agency Certification of Obligations and Expenditures May 30, 2012
NPR 9310.1 External Reports - Accounting September 30, 2013
NPR 9311.1 External Reports - Budget September 30, 2013
NPR 9420.1 Budget Formulation December 24, 2013
NPR 9470.1 Budget Execution December 24, 2013
NPD 9501.1H NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting System October 7, 2010
NPR 9501.2D NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting (Revalidated w/Change 1 02/16/2006) May 23, 2011
NPR 9610.1 Accounts Receivable September 30, 2013
NPR 9615.1 Accounts Payable September 30, 2013
NPR 9620.1 Payroll September 30, 2013
NPD 9630.3F Designation of Authority to Render Advice on Questions Involving the Propriety of Certain Payments (Revalidated 09/07/2006) January 2, 2012
NPR 9631.1 Disbursements September 30, 2013
NPR 9635.1 Billings and Collections September 30, 2013
NPR 9645.1 Claims for Erroneous Payment of Pay and Allowances, Travel and Transportation, Relocation Expenses and Allowances September 30, 2013
NPD 9645.2E Delegation of Authority-To Waive Claims for Erroneous Payment of Pay and Allowances, Travel, Transportation, and Relocation Expenses and Allowances-Revalidated (4/25/2008) April 25, 2013
NPR 9660.1 Vital Records and Emergency Operations September 30, 2013
NPR 9680.1 NASA's Management of Grants and Cooperative Agreements October 31, 2013
NPR 9690.1 Investments September 30, 2013
NPR 9700.1 Travel September 30, 2013
NPD 9710.1T Delegation of Authority-To Authorize or Approve Temporary Duty Travel on Official Business and Related Matters November 10, 2009
NPD 9741.1A Delegation of Authority-To Grant Exemptions from the Mandatory Use of the Government Contractor-Issued Travel Card (Revalidated 02/16/2006) January 11, 2011
NPD 9800.1A NASA Office of Inspector General Programs April 7, 2009
NPD 9910.1 Government Accountability Office/NASA Office of Inspector General Audit Liaison, Resolution, and Followup June 28, 2011

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