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Administration for Native Americans skip to primary page contentCommissioner Quanah Crossland Stamps


What is required of an ANA Grantee regarding reporting?

    1. Objective Progress Report (OPR)
    2. Standard Form 269 (SF-269)
    3. Objective Evaluation Report (OER)

Objective Progress Reports (OPRs)

    1. When do you submit OPRs?
    2. In what format should you send your OPRs?
    3. What information is required?
    4. Where do you send your reports?
    5. Instructions for filling out an OPR

Financial Status Reports - Standard Form 269 (SF-269)

    1. When do you submit SF-269s?
    2. In what format should you send your reports?
    3. What information is required?
    4. Where do you send your reports?
    5. Instructions for filling out an SF-269

Objective Evaluation Report (OER)

    1. When do you submit an OER?
    2. In what format should you send your OER?
    3. What information is required?
    4. Where do you send your OER?

Reporting Questions

What is required of an ANA Grantee regarding reporting?

    1. Objective Progress Report (OPR)
      1. This is a standard form used by grantees to report quarterly to ANA. The submission of timely quarterly OPRs is one of the most important factors taken into consideration when deciding to continue grant funding. ANA program specialists review these reports against the approved application’s Objective Work Plan and budget, the Payment Management System’s drawdown report and track the implementation of your project. Grantees that are late on these required reports or delay in implementing the project will jeopardize continuation funding.
    1. Standard Form 269 (SF-269)
      1. This is a standard form used by grantees to report quarterly to ANA on the financial status of their project. The submission of timely SF-269 reports is one of the most important factors taken into consideration when deciding to continue grant funding. ANA program specialists review these reports against the approved application’s Objective Work Plan and budget, the Payment Management System’s drawdown report and track the implementation of your project. Grantees that are late on these required reports or delay in implementing the project will jeopardize continuation funding.
    1. Objective Evaluation Report (OER)
      1. At the conclusion of the project period, the grantee is to submit an
        OER that recaps the entire project’s accomplishments.
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Objective Progress Reports (OPRs)

    1. When do you submit OPRs?
      1. Reports are due 30 days after the end of each quarter of the budget period (every three months).
    1. In what format should you send your OPRs?
      1. Grantees must use the standard form for OPRs located on the ANA website. The form must be signed by the Authorized Official.  If the Authorized Official is different from the person(s) listed on your Financial Assistance Award (FAA) you must include a resolution or board-approved minutes to support the change. (Click here to view the OPR form)
    1. What information is required?
      1. Each report must provide a project status on all funded objectives and mark your progress on your performance indicators. The OPR must also indicate if you are having any project challenges or if there are any exceptions to the approved project approach.
      2. Grantees must respond to ALL questions listed on the form.
    1. Where do you send your reports?
      1. An original must be submitted to your Office of Grants Management Specialist at:

        Your Specialist’s Name
        Office of Grants Management
        Mail Stop: 6th Fl. East Aerospace Center
        370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW
        Washington DC 20447

        A copy must also be emailed to or submitted to your ANA Program Specialist by mail to:

        Your Specialist’s Name
        Administration for Native Americans
        Mail Stop: 2nd Fl. West Aerospace Center
        370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW
        Second Floor West
        Washington DC 20447
    1. Instructions for filling out an OPR

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Financial Status Reports - Standard Form 269 (SF-269)

    1. When do you submit SF-269s?
      1. Reports are due 30 days after the end of each quarter of the budget period (every three months).
        A final SF-269 is due 90 days after the end of the project period. It must be marked as the final report in section #6 of the form. Section #9 must cover the entire project period.
    1. In what format should you send your reports?
      1. Grantees must use the standard long form for all SF-269s. This form is located on the ANA website. The form must be signed by the Authorized Official.  If the Authorized Official is different from the person(s) listed on your Financial Assistance Award (FAA) you must include a resolution or board-approved minutes to support the change. (Click here to view the SF-269 form)
    1. What information is required?
      1. The form requires grantees to report on information such as the federal and non-federal share outlays, the unobligated balance, and the non-federal share match
    1. Where do you send your reports?
      1. An original must be submitted to your Office of Grants Management Specialist at:

        Your Specialist’s Name
        Office of Grants Management
        Mail Stop: 6th Fl. East Aerospace Center
        370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW
        Washington DC 20447

        A copy must also be emailed to or submitted to your ANA Program Specialist by mail to:

        Your Specialist’s Name
        Administration for Native Americans
        Mail Stop: 2nd Fl. West Aerospace Center
        370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW
        Second Floor West
        Washington DC 20447
    1. Instructions for filling out an SF-269 (coming soon)

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Objective Evaluation Report (OER)

    1. When do you submit an OER?
      1. Grantees are required to submit an OER at the end of the project period. The OER is due no later than 90 days after the project period end date.
    1. In what format should you send your OER?
      1. The OER can be submitted in narrative format. Your OER must be submitted on tribal or organizational letterhead and must be signed by the Authorizing Official. If the Authorized Official is different from the person(s) listed on your Financial Assistance Award (FAA) you must include a resolution or board-approved minutes to support the change.
    1. What information is required?
      1. The grantee should include a summary of what occurred during the entire project period, reporting on activities and objectives; the goal of the project; and the impact indicators. You can choose to submit pictures or other forms of information and media that indicate the success and closure of your project.
    1. Where do you send your OER?
      1. An original must be submitted to your Office of Grants Management Specialist at:

        Your Specialist’s Name
        Office of Grants Management
        Mail Stop: 6th Fl. East Aerospace Center
        370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW
        Washington DC 20447

        A copy must also be emailed to or submitted to your ANA Program Specialist by mail to:

        Your Specialist’s Name
        Administration for Native Americans
        Mail Stop: 2nd Fl. West Aerospace Center
        370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW
        Second Floor West
        Washington DC 20447

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