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Topic: Home > History

Biography of James Monroe
Biography of James Monroe, the fifth President of the United States (1817-1825). - 10.2KB
12 Mar 07
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Blue Room Art and Furnishings
This page describes the features of the Blue Room. - 6.5KB
12 Nov 04
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Painting of President Lincoln
Picture of Painting of President Lincoln - 2.8KB
29 Apr 03
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The East Room of 1900
Home > History & Tours > Online Tour of the White House > East Room > East Room of 1900 The East Room of 1900 The stars and stripes deck the East Room for the Army and .. - 3.0KB
29 Apr 03
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Bellange Arm Chair
Picture of Bellange Arm Chair - 4.8KB
29 Apr 03
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Portrait of George Washington
Describes portrait of George Washington that was rescued by Dolley Madison during the War of 1812. - 3.4KB
29 Apr 03
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Paintings in the Red Room
Describes paintings in the Red Room. - 3.7KB
29 Apr 03
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Green Room Work Table
Describes Green Room work table. - 2.9KB
29 Apr 03
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Portrais of Native American in the Library
Describes portraits hanging in the Library. - 5.3KB
29 Apr 03
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Portraits of First Ladies in the Vermeil Room
Describes paintings of First Ladies that are on display in the Vermeil Room. - 4.5KB
29 Apr 03
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