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Science Team Meetings

The SIM Science Team meets every few months. Since 2000, there have been over 20 formal two-day meetings of the Science Team, and numerous informal gatherings at conferences, workshops, and seminars. The Science Team has two main functions.

First, it advises the project on the development of the science program and it consults on various technical issues in instrument design, scheduling, data analysis, etc. The team has played a central role in developing the formal mission Science Requirements.

Second, the team conducts preparatory work, including target selection, supporting ground-based observations, theory, and modeling on the Key Projects to ensure that the best science would be obtained from the time already allocated for Team projects. A substantial General Observer proposal call will be announced for observing projects.

Although team meetings are not formally open to the community, Team members are always open to questions, concerns, and suggestions from the community. Depending on the topic, questions might be discussed by the Team or passed on to project management.

Past Science Team Meetings
Nov. 19-20, 2008 Washington, D.C.
June 9-11, 2008 Pasadena, CA
Feb. 25-26, 2008 Washington, D.C.
Dec. 13-14, 2007 Washington, D.C.
May 14-15, 2007 Pasadena, CA
Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2006 Washington, D.C.
May 10-11, 2006 Washington, D.C.
Jan. 8, 2006 Washington, D.C.
Nov. 9-10, 2005 Pasadena, CA
March 15-16, 2005 Washington, D.C.
Jan. 9, 2005 San Diego, CA
Oct. 27-28, 2004 Pasadena, CA
April 3-4, 2004 Pasadena, CA
Dec. 16-18, 2003 Pasadena, CA
May 20-21, 2003 Baltimore, M.D.
Dec. 11-12, 2002 Pasadena, CA
Aug. 20-21, 2002 Waikoloa, HI
Feb. 28-Mar. 1, 2002 Cambridge, MA
Oct. 13, 2001 Pasadena, CA
July 26-27, 2001 Washington, D.C.
Feb. 23-24, 2001 Pasadena, CA
Jan. 19-20, 2001 Pasadena, CA
Dec. 7-8, 2000 Pasadena, CA
Site Manager:  Randal Jackson
Webmaster:   Cecelia Lawshe